The life of me, Budgyrl

I am pretty sure the title says it all

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Our new project

Budman has decided that our, meaning my, new project is to take pictures in black and white of the kids and some really pretty nature, print them out about 8x10 and hang them in black frames going up the steps. He wants about 10 to 12. So today at lunch I went outside here and snapped some good ones. Once I get them downloaded, I'll post them so you guys can tell me what you think. I am no Ethel, but I try!

That's all I have for now kids! Until tomorrow!

Friday, June 23, 2006

Movie quiz

OK, so first there was the picture with all the bands on it and now there is this one. This one has 100 films on it. I have gotten about 60 and I am pretty much stumped. I'm not going to post what I have cause I want to see what you guys come up with first. Help me out here. Put your answers in the comments so I can steal the ones I don't have. I think I've gotten all the obvious ones, but I could be wrong because what is obvious to me may not be obvious to someone else and vice versa. So get to work cause I need the answers!

I found that if you save it to your computer and open it so you can zoom, it's easier to see all the little stuff in the background.

Thursday, June 22, 2006


Well, yesterday was the big Herman-ectomy. It went very well and the Dr even proposed marriage to me during the procedure. It's only because of where my dad works and gets free golf.

Anyway, it did take a bit longer then he thought it would because it wasn't a "normal" Herman. Let me back up a bit. I decided to name this cyst because the word cyst is so gross, so I named him Herman. Why a guy's name you ask, because as I explained else where on the internets, a girl would never cause something so ugly, they know better then that! So, the Dr said this wasn't like any other Herman he'd ever seen, I said, your kidding right, and he said, not this time. Great! He said there wasn't anything to be worried about thought.
You see, and this is where it gets kinda yucky, my Herman wasn't encased in anything like most Hermans are. The nurse said that every time he tried to "pop" it out, it was breaking apart like cottage cheese looking stuff. BLAH!! That blah coming from the one who asked them to take pictures. Which he said that in 26 years of doing that, I was the first to ask for pictures. Which, by the way are right here. I don't want to post them directly here cause I don't want anyone who doesn't want to see them have to look at them. If you want to, there they are. Keep in mind ya bunch a pervs, that my ass is completely covered the whole time.
Although, the Dr did say after he was all done, "There you go, now your ass, I mean leg is perfect, Oh hell, I'm sure you've heard that before" He's a DR, so he knows what he is talking about!!

Well, that is all for now kids! I'll be back shortly! I have some new pictures from vacation and the Budkids to post!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

I'm it!

I've been tagged by ninecats, so now I'M one of the cool kids!

Five Things in the Refrigerator
1. A few gallons of milk
2. Lunch meat
3. Juice boxes
4. Eggs
5. Bud Light (which takes up more room then anything else)

Five Things in the Closet
1. eleventyone pairs of shoes
2. My trunk from college (I have no clue what it contains)
3. Pictures
4. Formal gowns
5. Empty target bags from Christmas

Five Things in the Pocketbook
1. Celly
2. Wallet
3. Work ID badge
4. A bag of animal crackers for the budkids
5. Cigarettes

Five Things in the Tahoe
1. Car seats (2 of them)
2. Sippy cups
3. Stuffed Animals
4. A blanket
5. A big ass cop size flash light

Five People to Tag
3.Staci (That's twice so get on it!!)

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Tomorrow's Appointment

Well, tomorrow I go to have the cyst removed from my leg. I am a little bit nervous I must admit. The only think I am worried about is, where it is, I will be sitting on it all day. I am having it done on my lunch hour, so I will be back to work after it's done and it won't take longer then probably like 5 minutes to do it. I have never had anything like this done, but my girlfriend reminds me that "You have had two children, I think you can handle it." That is OK coming from her since she also has two kids, but it's not OK when my Budman says that because, really, how the hell does he know!
I know when I'm at work I'll be just fine, but I am going to milk this for everything it is worth from Budman. Is that wrong? I feel like this will be good for at least two days. Maybe longer since I have to get the stitches out the following week. Well, I guess I need to ask you guys, how long is too long?
I will hopefully remember to bring my camera so I can ask the nurse to take pictures, which I will post if anyone is interested.

Actually, one other thing, I know that people have been leaving comments and I appreciate every single one of them. With being sick and the work load I have recently aquired, I have been unable to do anything else. Hopefully after this, I will get back in the swing of things and be able to pay attention to my blog once more.
Well, actually after this, I have to have a peice of glass removed from my finger, but THEN, I'll be alright...

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Stupid Ear part 2!

Well, as I said in a previous entry, I was feeling better. Well, I should just keep my mouth shut from now on because as of Sunday night, my ears are killing me again! They feel like they are full of water or something and it just plain hurts! I am going to the Dr's today, actually I leave in about 20 minutes. Hopefully, she can give me something to get rid of whatever it is that is wrong with me. I feel like I can't hear very well either and people are getting annoyed by me because I keep on saying "WHAT?" and apparently I am yelling when I think I am talking normally. GRRRRRR!!!
Anyway, I'll be back either later today or tomorrow, hopefully being able to hear...

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Today's post (Started Yesterday)

Well, I am feeling better finally. So that is good, I can play with the Budkids again and not have to stop after only 10 minutes. Poor little Budboy, I would be outside playing ball with him and I would have to stop and he would say, "Mommy, are you doin otay?" I tell him that mommy doesn't feel good and he would tell me that I should get some sweep so I could play bawl more. I took his advise and darn if he wasn't right! He is such a good little guy! I just love him to peices!
This is a picture of him playing in the sprinkler on Memorial Day.

Baby Budgyrl didn't want any part of it though. She ran down the sidewalk when the water was coming back around and came back up on the porch with a very mad look on her little face. But as soon as I pulled out the camera, she was all smiles. She says cheese now everytime she sees one.
This is the picture I took of her
Aren't they the cutest? I know!!

I finally got fed up and took off the nails I had done before vacation. The guy left them way to long and it was almost impossible to type or pretty much do anything. Now my nails are toast, but they will grow out, so I guess it's ok.

Today is Friday and I cannot tell you how happy that makes me. We were supposed to be going to the Yankees at Orioles game tonight for Budman's best friend's birthday. His wonderful, loving wife planned it for a surprise. She bought the tickets, got us hotel rooms right across the street from Camden Yards and both Budman and I got half the day off so we could leave early enough to get there without too much traffic. The Monday we got back from our vacation, the best budfriend called and said to Budman, "We are not going to a baseball game on June 2." He said he had no idea what he was talking about. He said it again and again Budman played dumb. Then he said that he and another friend had signed up for a fishing tournament for June 2 and he was doing that and not going to the game. I cannot imagine the hell that was brought down on him from his wife for that. So that is why today is just a regular old Friday for me, but a Friday all the same. Out of the 4 of us, I would have been the only one all decked out in my Yankees gear, while they were wearing their Orioles stuff. Whenever Budman and I go to Yankees/Orioles games, people always look at us funny because Budman is wearing his bright orange Orioles shirt and I am wearing my shirt with a big ass Yankees logo on it. He always says I'm lucky I'm cute or he'd push me down. Then I tell him he's lucky he has the keys or I'd push him down. Good times!

It's usually the same when we go to football games because he is in his Cowboys stuff and me in my Giants stuff. It's always at a Redskins game too, so that's fun. The only time we agree on who we are there to cheer for is when we are at a race. Then it's all JOOOOOONYER!!

Well, I guess that is all I have for now. Happy Friday everyone and thanks for reading!!!!!