The life of me, Budgyrl

I am pretty sure the title says it all

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Halloween Hijinx

So around the office we have a little thing going on that is quite fun. It's called Office Phantom. I got to work yesterday to find a big bag of yummy candy with a letter in it and a picture of a ghost. The letter says that you have been tagged by the Office Phantom. Then there is a little poem, then it says you need to post the ghost so everyone knows you have been tagged, and tag three others. No one knows who got who, so all day we have all been trying to figure out who got who. Good times.

The problem with this little game is that there is now candy EVERYWHERE! Everywhere I go, everything I see, everything I do, CANDY!! This time of year is so hard for a girl on a diet. Oh well, a few peices won't kill me, right? Well, if it does, at least I die happy!

We are also having an office Halloween party on Monday. We all get to bring our kids and they will trick or treat around the office, then we will eat lunch and if El Presidente is in a good mood, we will get to go home early and prepare for the festivities of night time trick or treating.

Budboy is bothering me cause he wants to wear his costume all the time.
"Please Mommy, just for five minutes, pleeeeeeeeeeeease! I promise it's a great idea!" (everything is a great idea)
"No sweetie, your costume if for Halloween"
"It's never gonna be hawoween is it? HUMPH"
That has been going on every day for the last two weeks. Next year I will buy his costume the day before Hawoween. And FYI, those damn Disney costumes are friggin expensive! $56 for two costumes, just the costumes too, no accessories! Power Rangers don't really need guns, well that is what I told Budboy. He said that wasn't a great idea.
Baby Budgyrl is going to be Minnie Mouse. The cutest Minnie Mouse ever! A Minnie Mouse with red hair too!

In my neighborhood, all the parents walk around with glasses of wine and or beer, so I'm packin a cooler to put in the bottom of the stroller and my girlfriend and her husband, my nephew and his mom and me and my two kids are going trick or treating in style. I'm even dressing up this year for the first time in about 5 years. I'll let you know how our drinkin, I mean trick or treating goes.

*insert evil laugh here*

Friday, October 21, 2005

I Have a Confession to Make

My confession is this, I started smoking again. I have been smoking for about 6 months. I quit while I was pregnant and I didn't smoke while I was breast feeding, but as soon as I stopped, I began smoking again. I am so disappointed with myself and so are my mom and dad. I am such a weak person. I don't think I would have started again if my husband would have quit, but alas he didn't.

I know the dangers and I know it's bad and I know it isn't fair to my kids that I am doing this to myself. My reason is simple and stupid. I have been on a diet since March (I think), and I was not really doing well because I couldn't curb my cravings for everything bad for me. I was sitting at my desk at work one day and my friend here came by and asked if I wanted to go outside with her for some air. She was going to smoke and I needed a break, so I went. I was having an intense craving for all things sweet at that time, so I asked her if I could have a drag of her cig. She hesitated, not wanting to be the reason I started smoking again, but she relented and gave me a drag. My craving miraculously disappeared, like I knew it would. So, being the jeenyus I am, I decided that while I am dieting, I will smoke to combat the cravings that I normally don't have the will power to resist. As of last night, I have lost a total of 21lbs, so unfortunately it is working. I have not had a gain since I started my smoking diet.

Now, I am telling myself that once I reach my goal, I will quit, and I have another 24lbs to go. I am not naive, so I know that won't be easy. I started smoking full time when I was 13, full time means buying my own cigarettes, and smoking more then once a day. I quit when I was pregnant with my son and didn't smoke for two years after he was born. I can tell myself all these excuses as to why I started then, but they don't really matter. Just like my sorry excuse this time. I should not be smoking, I should not enjoy it, but I do and I do.

So that is my confession on this rainy Friday. I feel better now even if no one reads this. Next I will tackle Halloween. I know, everyone is soooo excited!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Well kids, here we go!

Well, I have three internet friends that have blogs and I want to be one of the cool kids, so here I am.

I guess I can tell you a little about myself. I am the mother of two beautiful children, a boy who we will call Budboy and a girl who we will call Baby Budgyrl. Budboy will be 4 at the end of next month and Baby Budgyrl is 9 1/2 months old. I know I am so young how on earth can I have a 4 year old! Anyway, I have a husband who we will call Budman and sometimes dumbass, depending on the mood and what it is he did. =). I work for a very large telecom company doing government contracts, and that's all I have to say about that, for now anyway.

I know you are probably asking yourself, how did she get the name Budgyrl. Well, Budman works for an Anheuser Busch distributor and when we first met and actually went out of the house, it was discovered by the guys he works with that I am the only girl that can keep up with them beer for beer, so they named me Budgyrl. I got to decide how to spell it though.

I love NASCAR and I am a huge Dale Jr. fan and was one before it was cool to be one. I don't jump on the bandwagon, I mean hey, i'm still a NY Giants fan! Bigons. The previously mentioned internet friends, I met at a NASCAR message board. Hi Amy, Staci and TML!! I'm such a copy cat!

I love Metallica. The first record (who else remembers vinyal) I ever bought was Ride the Lightening when it was first released. I was very young.

The things I will write about are pretty much everything and everyone. There are a few co-workers that will get written about, some good, some bad. No one is safe.

Well, that's my first post. I hope I remember to come back and make another one! Oh yeah, I'm pretty forgetful too. I forgot to mention that before.


Another picture of the Budkids. I just wanted to try out the picture thing. Good stuff!! No I can overwhelm you people with sickening pictures of my kids and cat.