The life of me, Budgyrl

I am pretty sure the title says it all

Monday, July 10, 2006

100 Things About Me

  1. I am near-sighted
  2. I never take off my jewelry if I can help it
  3. I had my tounge peirced for 7 years
  4. I wish I never would have taken it out
  5. I have only one tattoo
  6. It's of Michigan J. Frog
  7. I want a lot more
  8. I have too much clutter on my desk at work
  9. I can't even sit at my desk at home
  10. I am not a neat freak at all
  11. I am also not a slob
  12. I don't mind clutter
  13. I can't stand dirt
  14. I failed 10th grade
  15. I went to an alternative education highschool
  16. My first concert was Chicago and The Beach Boys
  17. I went with my Mom, Dad and brother
  18. I detest mornings
  19. I am not at all nice in the morning
  20. Sometimes at work when I have my ipod head phones in, the music isn't on
  21. I pretend not to hear people anyway
  22. The first time I got truely drunk I was 5
  23. I have been married for 5 years
  24. We have been together for 7
  25. I love NASCAR racing
  26. I am a true Jr. fan, meaning I was a Jr. fan before it was cool to be a Jr. fan
  27. I curse like a trucker
  28. I drink Bud Light
  29. I can keep up beer for beer with the best of them
  30. And that is how I got the name Budgyrl
  31. My parent have a 13 year age difference between them
  32. I have seen Metallica only twice
  33. I have seen Blues Traveler 4 times
  34. I play mean air drums
  35. I sing really loud in my car
  36. I don't care who sees me doing it
  37. I love frogs
  38. almost as much as I love cats
  39. I love my boss
  40. I love my job
  41. I am grossly underpaid
  42. I was supposed to go see my grandmother on a Sunday but I didn't feel like it, she died Tuesday and I will never forgive myself for not doing what I promised
  43. I wish she would have been able to see me get married
  44. My wedding band was her wedding band
  45. I would give that up to have had her there
  46. My grandmother died in the house I live in
  47. I love my kids so much it hurts all the time
  48. I wish I could be a stay at home mom
  49. Some of my best friends are people I have never met in person
  50. I like country music
  51. Metallica is my favorite band of all time
  52. For the first few months of my marriage, my mom refused to use my new last name because she wanted me to hypheate
  53. I am just like my dad
  54. I love Stephen King
  55. I love James Patterson
  56. The first book I ever read all of the way through was The Green Mile
  57. The Green Mile is the first movie that Budman and I went to see together
  58. It was also the last
  59. I think I have ADD
  60. So does my mom
  61. And she told my boss I do in a drunken stooper
  62. I love Family Guy
  63. Stewie is my favorite
  64. I suck at math
  65. I love 80's music
  66. Especially the hair bands
  67. Chocolate Chip Mint is my favorite ice cream
  68. My grandfather hasn't spoken to me in 5 years
  69. Because my Uncle told him I was trying to steal the house from him
  70. There are more stuffed animals in my house then I know what to do with
  71. I won't throw any of them away
  72. I love my husband
  73. I went through a pretty long period of time when I didn't think I did
  74. I'm glad I realized that I still do
  75. I believe in God
  76. God Believes in me
  77. I am having a hard time thinking of more stuff
  78. I am surprised I got this far
  79. I love movies
  80. I don't like it when people refer to them as films
  81. I went to culinary school for baking and pastry arts
  82. I can't really cook a regular meal very well at all
  83. I am very good at decorating cakes
  84. I hope to make a business out of it one day
  85. I want a new house with at least an acre
  86. I have very long hair
  87. It's blonde
  88. and it's natural
  89. I spend more money then we have sometimes
  90. I trust people too easily
  91. I laugh at things I shouldn't sometimes
  92. I have a huge poster of Puss in Boots in my cube
  93. I am completely out of stuff
  94. I have a Dale Jr. desk to calander
  95. It has a fact a day
  96. I post that fact everyday on my favorite place on teh internets
  97. I am almost done with this
  98. I can see why Nine didn't want to do it
  99. I can also see why Ethel hasn't completed her's
  100. I am now at 100 and I feel so, well nothing really...


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