Well, yesterday was the big Herman-ectomy. It went very well and the Dr even proposed marriage to me during the procedure. It's only because of where my dad works and gets free golf.
Anyway, it did take a bit longer then he thought it would because it wasn't a "normal" Herman. Let me back up a bit. I decided to name this cyst because the word cyst is so gross, so I named him Herman. Why a guy's name you ask, because as I explained else where on the internets, a girl would never cause something so ugly, they know better then that! So, the Dr said this wasn't like any other Herman he'd ever seen, I said, your kidding right, and he said, not this time. Great! He said there wasn't anything to be worried about thought.
You see, and this is where it gets kinda yucky, my Herman wasn't encased in anything like most Hermans are. The nurse said that every time he tried to "pop" it out, it was breaking apart like cottage cheese looking stuff. BLAH!! That blah coming from the one who asked them to take pictures. Which he said that in 26 years of doing that, I was the first to ask for pictures. Which, by the way are right here. I don't want to post them directly here cause I don't want anyone who doesn't want to see them have to look at them. If you want to, there they are. Keep in mind ya bunch a pervs, that my ass is completely covered the whole time.
Although, the Dr did say after he was all done, "There you go, now your ass, I mean leg is perfect, Oh hell, I'm sure you've heard that before" He's a DR, so he knows what he is talking about!!
Well, that is all for now kids! I'll be back shortly! I have some new pictures from vacation and the Budkids to post!
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