The life of me, Budgyrl

I am pretty sure the title says it all

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

I'm it!

I've been tagged by ninecats, so now I'M one of the cool kids!

Five Things in the Refrigerator
1. A few gallons of milk
2. Lunch meat
3. Juice boxes
4. Eggs
5. Bud Light (which takes up more room then anything else)

Five Things in the Closet
1. eleventyone pairs of shoes
2. My trunk from college (I have no clue what it contains)
3. Pictures
4. Formal gowns
5. Empty target bags from Christmas

Five Things in the Pocketbook
1. Celly
2. Wallet
3. Work ID badge
4. A bag of animal crackers for the budkids
5. Cigarettes

Five Things in the Tahoe
1. Car seats (2 of them)
2. Sippy cups
3. Stuffed Animals
4. A blanket
5. A big ass cop size flash light

Five People to Tag
3.Staci (That's twice so get on it!!)


At 6:59 PM, Blogger Penske said...

A "FEW GALLONS" of milk??? :eek:

At 2:39 PM, Blogger Budgyrl said...

Hey my kids LOVE milk!


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