Tomorrow's Appointment
Well, tomorrow I go to have the cyst removed from my leg. I am a little bit nervous I must admit. The only think I am worried about is, where it is, I will be sitting on it all day. I am having it done on my lunch hour, so I will be back to work after it's done and it won't take longer then probably like 5 minutes to do it. I have never had anything like this done, but my girlfriend reminds me that "You have had two children, I think you can handle it." That is OK coming from her since she also has two kids, but it's not OK when my Budman says that because, really, how the hell does he know!
I know when I'm at work I'll be just fine, but I am going to milk this for everything it is worth from Budman. Is that wrong? I feel like this will be good for at least two days. Maybe longer since I have to get the stitches out the following week. Well, I guess I need to ask you guys, how long is too long?
I will hopefully remember to bring my camera so I can ask the nurse to take pictures, which I will post if anyone is interested.
Actually, one other thing, I know that people have been leaving comments and I appreciate every single one of them. With being sick and the work load I have recently aquired, I have been unable to do anything else. Hopefully after this, I will get back in the swing of things and be able to pay attention to my blog once more.
Well, actually after this, I have to have a peice of glass removed from my finger, but THEN, I'll be alright...
Oh yes, we want pictures! Hope it all goes well.
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