I Have a Confession to Make
My confession is this, I started smoking again. I have been smoking for about 6 months. I quit while I was pregnant and I didn't smoke while I was breast feeding, but as soon as I stopped, I began smoking again. I am so disappointed with myself and so are my mom and dad. I am such a weak person. I don't think I would have started again if my husband would have quit, but alas he didn't.
I know the dangers and I know it's bad and I know it isn't fair to my kids that I am doing this to myself. My reason is simple and stupid. I have been on a diet since March (I think), and I was not really doing well because I couldn't curb my cravings for everything bad for me. I was sitting at my desk at work one day and my friend here came by and asked if I wanted to go outside with her for some air. She was going to smoke and I needed a break, so I went. I was having an intense craving for all things sweet at that time, so I asked her if I could have a drag of her cig. She hesitated, not wanting to be the reason I started smoking again, but she relented and gave me a drag. My craving miraculously disappeared, like I knew it would. So, being the jeenyus I am, I decided that while I am dieting, I will smoke to combat the cravings that I normally don't have the will power to resist. As of last night, I have lost a total of 21lbs, so unfortunately it is working. I have not had a gain since I started my smoking diet.
Now, I am telling myself that once I reach my goal, I will quit, and I have another 24lbs to go. I am not naive, so I know that won't be easy. I started smoking full time when I was 13, full time means buying my own cigarettes, and smoking more then once a day. I quit when I was pregnant with my son and didn't smoke for two years after he was born. I can tell myself all these excuses as to why I started then, but they don't really matter. Just like my sorry excuse this time. I should not be smoking, I should not enjoy it, but I do and I do.
So that is my confession on this rainy Friday. I feel better now even if no one reads this. Next I will tackle Halloween. I know, everyone is soooo excited!!
I feel for you BudGyrl. I started smoking when I was 16 and quit while I was pregnant, started back when Lil Taz wasn't even a week old. I've never smoked in the house or around her.
Stuff happens....I guess. I just wish smoking wasn't my way of coping or my crutch, whichever way you want to look at it.
Thanks Taz. I don't smoke around the kids either. It's my choice to do this to me, they should not be subject to it. *HUGS*
I know we all know smoking is bad for you, blah blah blah but hey, at least you're not doing crack or crystal meth. It could be worse. (Not trying to make light of your situation, just trying to make you smile!) :-) Hang in there and good luck!
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