The life of me, Budgyrl

I am pretty sure the title says it all

Monday, April 17, 2006

Easter Weekend and Preparing for Vaca!

Here are a few too many pictures of my kids this past weekend all dressed up for Easter.

This one is Budboy on his "race car" ride. Every year I take them to the Easter Egg Hunt at the Kena Shrine Temple. They find the eggs that are lovingly filled with candy and pennies, then there is a puppet show done by one of Jim Henson's former puppeteers and they have ice cream and cookies and lots of junk food. Then the long awaited Easter Bunny comes out and you can take your child's picture with him. This year was very un-organized and not as fun, but the kids didn't notice it, so I don't really care.

Of course, being that it was Easter weekend, that meant no race on Sunday. That makes me kind of sad, but then I didn't have to rush through lunch/dinner with my parents to get home to watch the race, so that was OK.

Now that Easter is over, I am really starting to prepare for my up coming vacation! I went tanning again today and now I smell like cooked meat again. Oh well. I put a butterfly sticker on my lower tummy for the sole purpose of being able to see a tan line in case one decided to show up. When I got out of the tanning bed and took the sticker off, I could see it plain as day. Then, when I got in the car, I went to show my girlfriend and it was gone! I am assuming that butterflies don't like the smell of cooked meat and it flew away. What other explanation could there be?

Two of my friends must be cleaning out their closets on a daily basis, because they both come into work everyday with new vacation clothes for me! Budman will be soooooooo happy about it because that means that is less shopping that I have to do! They have given me 3 very cute dresses for at night when we are at the beach bar, plus, dresses are much easier to remove when one is drunk *wink*.

This is my first vacation in 5 years. My last vacation was my honeymoon, which was to Cancun. We leave 3 weeks from yesterday, so we really leave in 2 weeks and 6 days! At some point I will be completely unable to contain my excitement about this trip.

The is one slight problem however. I am scared to death of flying. Even more so now that I have children. I am not sure how I am going to handle this situation. I have gotten some great advise from some good internets friends, but, when I think about it, I start to have a panic attack. My chest gets tight, I can't breathe, my vision gets a little more blurry then usual and I feel light headed. Even sitting here writing this is getting me all worked up. I'm going to call my doctor and see what she recommends. Hopefully I can get over it, or get something to help me get over it. I should just think about the wonderful time we will have their, just the two of us, no budkids for a week, don't get me wrong, I will miss them tremendously, but we really need a break. Like I said, it's been 5 years since my last vacation. I haven't been away from my budboy for more then 2 night since he was born!

I am going to call my DR right now...

Stay tuned....


At 7:56 AM, Blogger Taz said...

The pics of the Budkids are awesome, they are adorable for sure.
I'll see ya around before you leave for your 2nd honeymoon but anyhoo...I hope you have a wonderful time.
p.s. I can't stand that post-tanning smell, fake bake OR real. I wait about an hour then hit the shower.

At 12:03 PM, Blogger NineCats said...

Love the pictures Budgyrl!

As for flying, I know everything will be fine. Remember:
"Don't sweat the small stuff"


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