The life of me, Budgyrl

I am pretty sure the title says it all

Thursday, April 06, 2006


I am unbelievably bored today. Today is a very slow day in the life of Budgyrl. So what do I do, I post to the blog and hope I find something to talk about before I get bored with this.
Let me start with a picture:

Look how big she has gotten right under my nose! She is 15 months old today. She goes for her check up tomorrow and last time she was underweight, so hopefully I have porked her up enough for the DR to be happy.

This is my big Budboy! Where did all that time go? How could my kids have gotten so big without me being aware of it?

This weekend is Budman's Richard Petty Driving Experience! I think I am more excited then he is. He will be doing the Rookie Experience which means he will actually get to drive the car for 8 laps around RIR, which also happens to be our favorite track! I think once we get there he is going to be like a little kid, all giddy and what not. I guess I can talk about that on Monday and hopefully I'll have some good pictures to post too.

I have a buffalo on my desk. A very small one. He is blue and white and has UB on his butt. I don't know where he came from, but I am assuming that the UB maybe stands for University of Buffalo. I could be wrong though, I have been wrong once or twice before, so it's been known to happen. I think I will name him Spike. He just kind of stands there like he is watching every move I make. I swear his little white eyes follow me where ever I go. He is actually starting to creep me out a little. He reminds me of the monkey that torments Chris on Family Guy. Fantastic, now I am going to have nightmares about buffalos. Is that right, buffalos or is it buffali? I am very unsure about that.

I may have wasted enough time with my nonsensical ramblings for now. We will see, I may be back later with more, I don't know yet.

GOOD LORD I'M BORED! Hey, that rhymes!


At 7:04 PM, Blogger Staci said...

Gorgeous children!!!! Budbaby and that red hair look ornery! But man, I bet she's entertaining.

At 12:41 PM, Blogger Budgyrl said...

Oh she is Staci! She gets more so every day I think!


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