The life of me, Budgyrl

I am pretty sure the title says it all

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Here is what I find amazing, the fact that there are still people out there who still actually believe all the crap that gets forwarded to them. Like for instance, just last week I got a forward from a very good friend of mine. I love her to death! Her little girl and mine are "BFF" and all that. The email I got from her was titled Coke vs. Water. You know the one I mean, where somebody says:

1. In many states (in the USA) the highway patrol carries two gallons of
coke in the truck to remove blood from the highway after a car accident.
2. You can put a T-bone steak in a bowl of coke and it will be gone in
two days.

And so on... It baffles the mind to think that people take everything at face value and don't question things like this, they just pass them along as a "warning". I appreciate that you think about me and want me to be safe or not get scammed or whatever, but at least do a bit of research on it before you waste my time and precious mailbox space! What's worse, she's a teacher who should know better!

She is just one example though, she usually only forwards jokes, which is fine with me and she is good about including a personal note so it isn't just a forward. My daddy, whom is the most wonderful perfect man in the universe, is another story all together. He forwards so much stuff to so many people, he was being investigated for being a spammer. Now that my friends, is bad. He is a rabid republican, which I am not, and during the election year and even after, he would send me all of these stories about democrats and how they are the spawn of Satan and blah blah blah. Every thing I would get a story about John Kerry or another Dem from him, I would go to the old trusty, find the article and send him the page stating that it was false and the reasons why and all that. Ya know what he said, he said he refused to read such a left site.
So I did a little experiment, I found an article on snopes about Dubya, the one about how he has the lowest IQ of any president ever, which IMO is true, but that is for another day, and sent it to him and told him to send it to all his friends and spread the word and how could such a stupid man be pres and....
I waited a day, then sent him the page from snopes saying it was false. To my surprise, he read that one! Of course he did! Then he came back with, I knew that wasn't true you can't be stupid and be president, which started another debate, but again, for another day. I told him I was trying to teach him a lesson in the internets. I felt that he would be better after that. I could not have been more wrong. When I received the next fabrication, instead of just replying to him, I replied to all and sent the article from snopes, but I didn't link it, I copied and pasted it, then linked it so all would see! Of course almost all the people in his address book are old right men, so I got emails from all of them preaching the errors of my ways.

Wow, I really went with this didn't I? The moral of the story here kids is this, please, PLEEEEEEEASE, check the validity of something before you take it for fact, especially if it's something that says you will get a million dollars from Bill Gates, or a gift certificate from Gap or some other crap like that. There is no email tracking system so that little Timmy can get a dollar for everyone you forward this message to. For the love of all that is HOLY go to snopes and read a little before you spam my inbox with this crap!

Thank you for your time and remember, the more you know, the further you go!


At 5:00 PM, Blogger Staci said...

Now, THAT was a great blog entry! Seriously, very clever in trying to get those righties to see both sides! I admire your tenacity. :-)

I'm with you too...I hate those e-mails. They're such crap!


At 9:21 PM, Blogger Ethel said...

Coworkers and former coworkers are the worst about forwarding that crap. I just delete 'em now and don't even send them to snopes. They don't care. "But you COULD get squirted with poisoned perfume even if it didn't happen and I just want you to be safe.:

Whatever, dorks. LOL

At 9:23 AM, Blogger Taz said...

I hate those emails too and have blocked a few people because of them. I simply don't have time to read all that crap...but I have time to read bloggage that I like and Stalkers when I want. Funny how that works.

I'm one of those righties but I promise to behave :o)

At 10:49 AM, Blogger Budgyrl said...

I don't have a problem with righties, it's the one's who tell me I'm wrong for how I think. My dad does that all the time. He says think for yourself, but what he means is think for yourself as long as you agree with me! Silly daddy!
And for the record, Budman is a righty too!


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